Saudi Central BankSaudi Central BankNewsThe Saudi Central Bank (SAMA) Issues its First Annual Report for Finance Companies 2020
The Saudi Central Bank (SAMA) Issues its First Annual Report for Finance Companies 2020
6/30/2021 1:00 PM

Saudi Central Bank issued its first annual report on the performance of the Saudi financing sector. The report outlined the developments and findings in the financing sector, in addition to the financial results for the year 2020. This initiative came to reaffirm SAMA's commitment to providing accurate and up-to-date information about the performance of national finance companies.


The report also focused on key elements of the statement of financial position and income statement of national finance companies in 2020, as well as the overall sector's financial portfolio, profitability, return on investment, and leverage ratios. Furthermore, it categorized the financing portfolios of individuals and of micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME), and provided information on non-performing loans, size of new funds, Saudization ratio in managerial positions, and the number of employees in the financing companies. The 2020 report can be viewed on SAMA's official website through the following (link).

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