Saudi Central BankSaudi Central BankNewsThe first Financial Stability Report (FSR) 2015
The first Financial Stability Report (FSR) 2015
7/5/2015 12:00 AM


In recognition of the significant role of financial stability, SAMA is pleased to issue the first Financial Stability Report (FSR) 2015 in both Arabic and English. The FSR reviews the financial soundness indicators of commercial banks and other financial institutions and aims at raising awareness of the financial system indicators as a whole. The FSR, which will be published annually starting from this issue, provides a comprehensive analysis of global and domestic economic variables and their impact on the Saudi financial system. It also presents a detailed analysis of the most important systemic risks that may be posed to various financial sectors in the Kingdom, as well as prudential policies and measures to address and mitigate them. The FSR shows the stability and strength of the Saudi financial system and its great ability to withstand any unfavorable economic developments. The financial system stability plays a significant role in sustaining economic growth, increasing job opportunities and improving living standards. It also directs retail and corporate savings towards productive investments through financial intermediation process. The 2007-2009 global financial crisis has stressed the important role of central banks and other supervisory and regulatory bodies in reducing the build-up of systemic risks and increasing the resilience of the financial system. The domestic financial system, which is one of the largest financial system in the region, has witnessed a remarkable stability praised by global rating agencies and international financial institutions as a result of its highly capitalized financial institutions and the application of best practices and international supervisory and banking principles.


The first Financial Stability Report (FSR) 2015.

The first Financial Stability Report (FSR) 2015 English.


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